Announcement | Now Available on Boosty

You can now use Boosty to financially support us and get access to exclusive benefits!

 We know that some of you live in countries or are using currencies that don't work with Patreon, so we made a Boosty page to give you an option that may work for you.  👌

The tiers have the same benefits as our Patreon, so you are not missing out. You need to have your Boosty account connected to your Discord and be on this server so you can access our game. 

If you decide to support us on Boosty, we would be very thankful ❤️


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Boosty Doesn't Open

cuz it's russian alternative of patreon and most likely it's regional problem so you need VPN

weird, since its also on english

It's probably because I'm from Ukraine.

it is