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(2 edits) (+1)(-2)

OK, I WELL HELP YOU!Trick-or-treating!










*THREAT ANALYZER:短时间内提示周围的危险




















*情欲等级1-3 最终升级后进行喷雾可以直接进入交配画面。












APP STORE:两个小工具,让你查看你的余额和设备。



















(2 edits) (+2)

when I try to equip the spray bottle at the tutorial it doesnt let me see it isnt it 1234 or scroll wheel?

Press 1234 on q

yeah I press 1234 it didnt work or is it 1334 +q

Spray can be installed in the game, is the tutorial necessary? Are you sure you pressed the 123 button under F1?

yes I am sure I pressed 123 under f1 button i havemt got the chance to use a spray in the game yet only in the tutorial and it didnt work the lube bottle doesnt really appear either

The tutorial should not install spray, you'd better install spray in the game


wait how do I install spray in the game?

Press 1 on top of Q,Under F1

I think the money given in the most difficult mode of the game is not as much as before

This is very:-(

it says i am in an older version. i thought i got the newer one. is there a link to it or not?

It's just a notice, that there is a new version available either on itch or Patreon. You don't need to worry about it too much <3


I entered 80085 in the calculator and the game crashed. Was this just a bug or a secret I discovered?


Me too


Both 🤔

We are looking into the crashing.

The final achievement i need is the light switch one but i dont know where they are, Great game BTW

What is the second hidden achievement besides trade sex scene and how do I get it? Its the only im missing

(1 edit)

Having sex with the trader, just spray her with the horny spray when she comes out to grab the filled lube bottle, or if your talking about the newest one its completing a run with all girls on max difficulty.

Thank you! We are very happy that you're liking it so far. ❤️

(1 edit) (+1)

How do you encounter the "Bytelust" character shown in the trailer? And if it requires the XTFiber_5GHZ network, how do you get the password to it?

The haunted computer is not in the game yet. But will be included in the next update.

i used to play this game during its early stages but now im confused, i cant even pick up those green bottles to fill with lube or whatever


you got to buy them in shop and have 1 on you when you start the lvl

where do i buy them at? i cant even find a place to buy anything


In the computer you have to go to the Naughty Nook website.


Miss clicked on new game and now i want to uninstall this is why i think some games need save files or ''yes or no'' on starting New game


Please add this devs, I've lost at least 1 save to lag when moving my mouse

(1 edit) (+1)

newbie question, but how do you make sex with the employees?


is not implemented


Loved the new Halloween update!

(1 edit)

I think the Halloween guy just follows you around to make noise for the girls to follow you easier

Makes sense

I found a glitch with the new 0.7 Final update. if you use the max level flashlight and shine it on just one of the three monsters, they all get slowed down by 70% instead of just the one your shining slowing down.


I don't think that's a glitch.

I think it is because why would all three of the girls slow down if you only shine one with the light?

Perhaps the author intentionally did this to help us reduce the difficulty?Instead of bugs

(1 edit)

i think the feature to hold things is broken. to clerify, i mean whenever i pick something up, or buy something it doesn't show up in my inventory.

You have to equip it on Liquid Corp website


How do i equip/use items in the game i cant find out


You go to the Liquid Corp website

thank you

(1 edit) (+1)

I'm stuck on a C.U.M puzzle... I can't solve it and i still can't understand how to open the hatch

you have to count the red/blue/green balls is ez to miss


Money earned is not the same when looking at balance.

(2 edits)

If you play several consecutive levels without closing the game, the stat of 'picked up floor money' will continue to increase.

For example if you pick up a total of $4 the first run it will add that to the completed level money properly but if you then have another run and get another $3, the final screen will say +$7 instead.

You can see how after 5+ levels it can be quite a difference in what it says you earned.


Sex scenes will fade to black several seconds before the animation finishes, rendering the ending completely invisible. Happens both on horny spray and gallery.

I'd recommend adding a button at the end of the animation sequence for the player to back out to the office, instead of automatically backing out.

(1 edit) (+2)

That just how it is, There is no cum animation rn

Could've sworn earlier versions had them.

 it did show it but there was no cum anyway


Is there any way that i can give myself money that isnt escaping backroom?


Regarding hidden characters, will there be any in the new version like Ink Woman? If so, please tell me the conditions to encounter them.

I encountered another bug where the liquid display is different, one is 16 and the other is 18. Anyway, I remember it's 18

(1 edit)

how do i equip a item i can't find out how 

Open Pc and then browser, open site called Liquid Corp. Scroll down and there are your items, also there will be nothing if you don't bought anything.


Partygoer seems to have stuck in the Partypooper skin with no way to revert it back to the original no matter what you click on.

You need to click on his other operational items, such as nudity, and then open the game

(2 edits)

am playing the game then i get cought and no sex, so am like ok that's weird i try again and the same so yeah, how the fuck do i fuck

nvm it's horny level, but how the fuck do you equip shit

found that too, W game btw

What you must do is buy an object that if I'm not wrong is called "horny spray" you find it on the computer that is in the cubicle that has your name in the office, and from the same computer you must equip it while you are in the game you can use the numeral to equip it and when they get close enough to you use it

Purchase heart icon, can add sex

sex cg

1. How, if at all, may that forbidden website me accessed, and will there be a sexy update if so?

2. Will there be sex scenes with any of the coworkers, and can there be futa options for any of them and/or the other monsters?


'Forbidden' website requires getting the first job advancement then buying the wifi password for 25 points and connecting to it.

What of the coworkers?

(1 edit)

Ask devs not People who too wondering if there will be

Going through the tutorial after hitting new game. When hiding in a spot I can still see the player model outside it.

same here

(1 edit) (+2)

hey I tryed to download the game twice and my security says that it found a virus in the game


It's false positive

Wrote 8008135 on the calculator and pressed = and the game crashed.

(1 edit)

Lets try it out,
Yep its crashed



Why does it says the download has a trojan?


It's false positive

Very good update, let me experience it

maybe i will find more bugs

(bugs) The game is fine to play kinda; The inv dosen't seems too work, starting a talk with character that in the lobby makes you freeze your screen with non text,buying stuff still dosen't work.Maybe the bugs is only for me not outers please fix it

What operating system do you have?

Its doing this to me too, I'm using windows.

Me too.

I will freeze the screen, Windows operating system

windows 10 

Could you send me your log file into DMs on Discord?

Log file location: %USERPROFILE%\AppData\LocalLow\Moon Loom Studio\Cumrooms\Player.log

Just asking you are Eboy Joe Joe right? if you don't know dicord is banned in our country but i could make it work kinda...You want me to send the file that i downloaded or whats in it.

Then you could rather send it to our email:

Sorry for the stupid question bu how i unlock the hatch in 0.7 medium mode

If i understand right, You Need to find machine C.U.M. and at closest room with it must be rooms with balls, colored with red blue green and you must count them and input into the machine, if you made it right hatch will open.


question is there an way to edit myself some money and such, i lost all my progress when i updated (unsure why) and don't care much to work through the time to unlock everything again. thanks

If you played the game and then deleted old folder and replaced with new one all save files saved at folder with line
C:/Users/Yourusername/AppData/LocalLow/Moon Loom Studio
If there nothing for you then your game didn't saved and if there something, but when you press continue at the game you get empty save then i don't know

yeah i couldn't find my old save data? i didn't delete it so unless my like antivirus or something. tbh i think it's just gone so was wondering if there was some way to just, cheat myself a bunch of money so that i don't have to play a bunch again for it all

Sad 😥

hey i dont know if its a bug or im just doing somthing wrong but the items i buy on the computer and the shop in the backrooms i cant interact with im pushing 1, 2, 3, or 4 but no items pop up nor can i use anything please help

You need to equip items after buying them.

how do i do that

Go to the computer then the website.


I tried using the spray on the merchant after giving her the bottle of filled lube. I was able to get the cutscene, but no achievement was unlocked. Is there more to the requirement?

Thanks and loving the new office system.


Seems like a bug, we will fix it.

Thanks <3


Thanks y'all

(1 edit)

Hey i'm wondering, how do you get the last hidden achievement? or is it a working progress?

How am I supposed to be able to get on the liquid corp website if theres no internet?

You can't get any items without having the website and theres no instructions on how to get internet



yea i just found that.

Plus I have no clue where to find the objectives FOR a promotion.


Feel free to check out all of the websites on the laptop. Don't be shy and explore <3

Click on work colleague, unable to exit, I don't know what to do to change

(1 edit)

ok so I almost immediately typed 8008 into the calculator and my game crashed. Was that intentional or did I just get coincidentally unlucky?

Edit: Nope my game just crashes anytime I try to use the calculator

I love the game, although I wish Bendy had cutscenes,could you optimize the game or add more graphic settings please? My PC is a potato and I don't run it.Also a setting for sensitivity if possible 

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