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Deleted 124 days ago

you have to find the dispencer


please give female/futa player model

cant download it it keeps saying

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Try Pixeldrain...

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

Will there be an Android ver or nah?

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)
no, they said there wont be a mobile version in one of their youtube shorts


Damm at least I know not to wait for false hope


idk how to extract and run it

someone pls help

If on pc, download the one with ur operating system, make a folder, right click the ZIP file and click "extract here". lastly double click the games "application" file sometime labled "game" or the title.


Great game and Ngl i need me some more partygoer scenes


Wow the new update and new stuff and new chartacters are fire!! Well my favorite is still 1471 tho lol

(1 edit) (+1)

Seems cool! May I record a gameplay? Not horny, just playing it like if it wasn't Nsfw. To test and have a good time.

Sure! Go for it.

Great, I'll do it in spanish because I'm not good enough with english yet. But I'll upload the link here if you want to check it out when I upload it.

(1 edit) (+2)

Is it normal for the boxes to stack? I've started to get +100 per match by just getting like 10 on boxes
Edit: So, after playing an hour or two, I realized that the money given on normal and hard isn't worth it, its better to just speedrun on easy, what I recommend is to increase the prices of the upgrades AND the money obtained from the other difficulties


How can I increase my money by cheating? I want to see sex scenes faster.





how does the toy phone work? I won with it, but it didn't give me 5x reward on completing the level (hard mode). Is this not how it works?


It gives you 5x the cost of the toy phone, not the reward for the level ❤️

Bug: objects can spawn in the room where the sex scenes are held.

aka: A fucking freddy trash can cock blocked me :((((

Thank you for telling us about it. Do you remember at which level this happened? We'll look into it.

yo. I tried downloading the game for MacOS using google drive, managed to unzip it but the game wouldn't start (said that the files were corrupted). tried using pixeldrain but the site is blocked, apparently.

redownloaded with drive it and it worked the third time. amazing game btw

could you make it to where you can use controllers

Excuse me, but will there be an opportunity to customize the screensaver on F1? Or is it already there?


The only time you want to go to the backrooms be like

i got some ideas for skins, but idk

i also kinda wanna see a way to increase the customization sliders, both in size and options

How do you get multiple levels of horniness? All I can get from the "beast" is a handjob.

buy horny level in shop at the bottom in the computer in you office


Please make a android version 🙏




but why?


We'd rather spend our time adding new stuff to the game than trying to downsize it and convert it to be playable on a mobile phone.


no mercy on lil bro damn😭


Bruh why İ am idiot enough to think the show aduld content button will show the games that have much blood 😑

naaah XD


what "fetish" button does?


Unlocks futa skin & animation.

i can't use the horny spray like, i don't know how to use it

Use it on your girl & when sprayed click on her.


Will there ever be a version for Android users?


Read the comments before. No.


Idea for the futa mode:

hiding spots are actually sex toys for the prowler so you can get scenes about four or so scenes with maybe some other mechanic to explain it.

Pov blowjob

Pov ballsucking

Pov rimjob

Pov pussy eating

(facing away from the hiding spot for the last three, ballsuck could be both but away would be more fitting.)

Mechanic idea for why the prowler don't immediately get you instead: prowler (for example Kar) will pretend to not know the player is there for 3 up to uses of the hiding spot with player then you could get an alternate caught scene which would be like using horny spray but the player doesn't get to choose the scene to play.

(2 edits)


In this hallway they can get stuck on this bear, i couldn't upload a video of it in this comment so i hope this screenshot helps (there's a purple drawing on the wall to my right if it helps)

everyone on discord alr knows btw


I didnt kill all those younglings, just for this.


*yipeee sound effect*

(1 edit)

help i can't download i

Try pixeldrain.

Still can't in pixeldrain

is there a cooldown for the horny spray?

I keep i keep using it on Mal0 and it show a bar being filled and it slows her down

The horny spray is one use only, so for every time you use it in the level, you need to buy another one in the office.

(3 edits)

I know that, I bought multiple of them

But every time I use it, nothing happens

Edit: During me making a video about it, the spray worked once. I’m guessing this is also a bug then?

The video is private and the spray should only work once per level run because you should buy Horny Level Upgrades in the shop.

I think you can view the video now..

I bought all the upgrades


When she is highlighted you need to click on her.

In first handjob Kar scene I have a bug that characters ... Pencil is going through Kars hand. Is this my personal bug or its worldwide?

Did you try it in the level or the bedroom?


How I need to update this game? Is there any data file that I can copy in new versions? Or I just need to download and reinstall?


You can just download it and run. All saves should be automatically transferred.


big problem with the update:
tried updating the game and went for the pixeldrain update (because google doesnt work at all) startet the game and the update wasnt installed. tried redownloading the game and now it is NOWHERE to be found whatsoever. it isnt even in my purchased games anymore. all i can download from here is the update files which install in less than a sec but there is no actual game anymore. 
Please help


You cant use the itch app to try and install it, but you need to use one of the external links. (Pixeldrain or Google)

I dont even have the game itself anymore. I cant download the main game. Its gone


I don't think I understand. The game is free.

Im unable to download it for mac for sum reason the google drive is denied as a third party and the other just doesnt want too T~T

Hi. You can also try Pixeldrain.

thats the other thing i was mentioning it just wont download at all


Will there be futa Mal0 and partygoer scenes?

Also, for the partgoer, will her sucking the guy off be with one of her hand-mouths? That seems to make the most sense.

Also, for sex scene suggestions in general, can there be any of the following?:

futa blowjob

69 including futa version

futa frottage

futa missionary

reverse cowgirl


1. Maybe, but that is for later updates.

2. The hand mouth only appears in the thumbnail, it's not actually in the game.

3. Some of these are pretty good, but as the player character doesn't have a head right now, we will be avoiding some scenes that require that.


It seems you can only use the lube bottles on the levels "The Lobby" and "Fun". In "Sublimity", I loaded in with 4 bottles and either I did not have access to them or if I had a spray can, that can would get duplicated.

Should be fixed now.


Lube bottles appear in inventory on Sublimity now. Thanks!

for some reason when i attempt to launch the game it never actually opens, what might be the cause of this? im on windows and i got it off google drive if that help


Is there going to be a android version?



(1 edit)

Fantastic update. The game as a whole now feels more immersive for sure, and the new tutorial is definitely an upgrade in terms of an introduction to the game's mechanics, and I feel like having no dialogue that early definitely adds to the eerie-horny type feel. Can't wait for the full office to be finished!

(1 edit) (-2)

will there be an android version/android compatable version


Sorry but there won't be an android version.

thank you for this information, have a wonderful day


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