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Really enjoyed the game, completed it almost fully. Now im just curious how to get some achievements: coffee god, community supporter, and the last hidden achievement but thats exactly why its hidden XD

coffee god is getting by helping waiting coworker by doing coffee and giving it to her

I purchase the items, but I can't seem to figure out how to add them to my inventory

You can equip them on the Liquid Corp website.

hi please add more characters with big or giant sizes and increase the sizes of these three.

Hi! I won't be adding more characters right now, but I can definitely increase the sizes of the three characters you mentioned. I'll get that updated soon!

What all is there? Fetish wise, aside from futa.

also, is there like any money cheats for those who just to collect stuff, and fuck the monsters/fucked by with the futa Kar?

Also, can the packages have extra money?, like at least 10 more than now, so the 1 money package gives 11 instead


Hi! Currently, the game features a Futa-themed content, though it's still a work in progress. I'll be adding more content in future updates to make it even better. Thanks for your patience and support!


Final ask, for now, what all fetishes will be added? Weight gain, vore, more futa options, hypno, etc


the game cuts to the loading screen before the cumshot

Yes, that's because there isn't a cum simulation yet. I'm working on it and it'll probably be implemented in the next update.


Hello, I need help how to pick up items? Yes, I agree this is a stupid question, but I need to know how to do this

You can buy items on the Naughty Nook website and then you can equip them on Liquid Corp website. Then you should be able to use them in the game.

ho did you equip item ?

You can equip them on Liquid Corp website.

how to get more then a lvl 1 horny?

You need to buy horny level upgrades from the shop (Naughty Nook website).


game crashed when i put 69 into the calculator
10/10 game <3

Did the same thing to me hahaha 

Should be fixed in next update ;)


I just want to see the scenes and I don't want to deal with collecting money because it gets boring, is there some kind of trick involved in this?

Sadly there isn't a way to not deal with collecting money but I'll try to make the sex scenes more accessible without the grind.

I'm guessing there's a lot of bugs that need to be fixed, reading the comments and playing the game myself. Honestly I don't doubt it'll get done. Good work so far

Thanks for the feedback! I really appreciate you taking the time to check it out and provide your thoughts. There are definitely some bugs to work through, but I'm confident it'll all come together. I’ll keep pushing forward to get everything polished.

imo (v0.7F):

- the bear traps are too hard. I don't have the positions of the individual WASD keys memorized, I think of them as arrow keys; showing pictures of arrows would be easier, but just making it a left-right spam would be better still.

- part of the premise of the Backrooms is that you noclip into them; have you considered having the game start a level by literally having you noclip and fall through the floor/walk through a wall into the level? (granted, the need for a loading screen makes it awkward, but you could have us fall through the elevator floor, do the loading screen, then fall through the level's ceiling)

- why don't the sex animations have cumshots? if they do, the game goes straight to the loading screen instead of playing them (even tho there is a sound effect)

- I like having advanced options for levels, but maybe the menu should show the basic difficulty levels first? would probably be a better introduction for new players

- I would've expected a game about the backrooms to have procedurally-generated levels, but tbf I guess making a game do that is more work than I think, especially for a PWYW game

- also laptop thing makes it a pain to do basic inventory and upgrade stuff, especially now that you have to connect it to the company wifi first, and wait for it to load each page, and deal with it not even having tabs, and remember what the vaguely-named websites do. No me gusta, not really worth "immersion," especially with design choices to actively make it more annoying to use.
-- also also, text in laptop too small and scrollbar too skinny


Thank you for the feedback! The issues you mentioned, including the difficulty of the bear traps, the suggestion to add arrow key visuals, the noclip entry idea, the missing cumshots in sex animations, and the level difficulty menu improvements, will all be addressed in the next update.

(1 edit)

...oh. ._. they will? uh, cool, thanks. (easy to forget that devs on Itch games usually read comments, and sometimes respond to them)(mostly I wish the load times were better but ig that's gotta be one of the harder things to mess with)

(1 edit)

v0.7F bugs:
- the opening cutscene (green-haired girl pointing) did this weird frame-flickering thing where it was trying to show a still frame looking down at her from above and look at her doing the pointing animation at the same time. Pretty sure if I had epilepsy, it would've fucked me right up. Pretty sure I had Vsync on. Haven't seen it happen elsewhere, but have only played a couple levels of this update.

- in tutorial, the horny spray doesn't show up in the player's hand; instead, when switched to, a floating can of it appears in the first room.

- game freezes for at least 3-5ish minutes while loading levels (eventually the bgm/sfx for the level shows up, then eventually game actually loads; I have no idea if monster is wandering during this time, I hope not). not sure to what extent that's just cuz my machine is old, but is a thing. it did this in v0.7P update too, but I could swear the freeze was somewhat shorter before.

also there's a buzzing noise in first chase level; not sure whether it's there on purpose and supposed to sound like halogen lights, but it was pretty annoying. kinda sounded more like a glitched sound effect, like when computer freezes while playing audio. turning sfx volume down to half made it more bearable without keeping me from hearing other sfx

how do we get secret secret achievement ?

not sure if this is the one you mean, but there's one for spraying Darling (the vendor) as she's leaning through her window to grab a filled lube bottle.

took me ages to understand the hint for it too, I hadn't put it together that by Darling, they meant her, and by "in her stand," they meant the blackboard thingy she comes out of

is there a way to use the horny bottle multiple times to get higher horny level i seem to be able to only use 1 even tho i own more than 1

you have to buy the horny level upgrades thru the laptop to get different scenes.

oh where is that

naughty hook website

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Who do i use the items i bought?

You have to equip them on Liquid Corp website.

Whe the FUCK does the game crash when I type 8008135 on the calculator app?

Small bug that will be fixed in next update ;)


I can't talk with NPS. Every time i do that i get softlock also i can't see items in hand so it is diffiuct to use right on. How to fix it?

Also having this issue on the linux build.

This is a bug that only happens on Linux & MacOs builds but it'll be fixed in next update.


Will there ever be cum added to the animations? I hear it but don't see it or is that just a glitch on my end?

The cum will be added in the future update.

work in joiplay

make a small reference to scp-682 or scp-939



How to get the second secret achievement, please explain in detail?

first one secret achievement to complete lvl with 3 entities with lightspeed modifier, second one is to use horny spray at darling (The Vendor)

is anyone else having trouble getting the bottle or is that just me? it worked fine in the tutorial but it isn't working in the levels is anyone else having this issue?


Im Having the Same Issue. Potentially just a bug that'll get Fixed, or it might just fix itself on its own. who knows.


i login to the game> i play a level> i fuck up one of the girl's> i die. 

i login to the game> i play a level> i fuck up one of the girl's> i die. 

the cycle continues... (:<


Please add sensitivity controls (for mouse movements) and a always show mouse pointer (white dot) option

(1 edit) (+1)

I sprayed Kal with the spray, but no scene unlocked? She had all 3 horny/heart upgrades, plus the 4lv from the spray 

Nevermind, I watched your vid and just clicked on her after


how do i open the shop to buy stuff? It isn't on the computer


Connect to internet on the bottom, open the Web, and go to naughty nook. Equip in liquid corp


This game is fun and creepy, good job!

[weird collision] in the water level the big long slope sometimes won't let me go up it unless i use d, w, shift, at the same time and even that wont work sometimes. please i have died there to many times

Best to not walk all the way to the end of the under-ramp, just walk up closer to the doorway.


Is the game trying to use anyone else's microphone or is my stuff just acting up?


Our game doesn't use a microphone so you can deny that permission.

(1 edit)

About the second hiden achivement: can we get at least a hint for it?

Hint: try setting all girls to max difficulty.

Oh, I've thought that this hiden achivement was somehow connected with the Bytelust. Any hints about Bytelust tho


Do you know how to get the first hidden achievement?

Find the ladder, place it at the exit, escape and play a few simple modes to understand

how to download it wont let me download it


i have no clue how the H levels work. 


im having some issues with the game. i downloaded the current version found here, however on the main menu it tells me the game is out of date. next. i cannot pick up the green lube bottles at the merchant's counter nor can i cycle anything i was "given" in my inventory using the mouse buttons, the scroll wheel, or the 1, 2, 3, 4 keys. lastly. in the first level, i cannot seem to get the ladder to spawn in order to finish the first level


Shouldn't you just walk into the elevator instead of looking for a ladder?

in the first level after the tutorial. where its one smiler in the "lobby" level of the backrooms. there is no elevator, only the exit tube on the wall

It might be hard to find, but it always spawns.

You can buy the A.S.S. to scan the location of the ladder & the hatch.

Author, have there been any changes to the beginner's tutorial?

i cannot interact with the merchant nor can i pick up the green bottle


The "green bottle" is a highlight of where you put a full lube bottle to get cum tokens.

Take a closer look, if there really isn't, then it could be an update

me neither

It's really difficult to play without slowing down all the monsters, and there are too few hiding objects on the field

So shining a flashlight on one monster and slowing down the other two together is great

Hide achievements to find a monster that needs to be set to the highest level in custom mode

All three are required

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